
From the desk of Mr. WPress

Thank you for taking the time to look through my blog. Here I offer helpful tips and tricks, interesting articles, as well as updates to Mr. WPress products and services. Please be sure to pass on anything you find interesting to a friend or a colleague. Thank you again for reading and if you have any questions about any of the content you find in these posts, please feel free to send those to our support department at [email protected]

Website Translation Best Practices

WordPress has tons of built-in translation tools so you can ensure your website is accessible on a global scale!Read More…

WordPress Security: Sanitizing, Validating, Escaping

Protect your WordPress Site with Data Sanitization, Validation, and Escaping

Coding in WordPress is easy to make clean and secure, hindering bad actors from easily manipulating your site or users. Start hooking into the powerful WordPress tools!Read More…

Custom Plugin Development

Creating a WordPress Plugin

Many plugins are complex, and scare people away from developing their own. But it’s easier than you might think to build a custom plugin!Read More…