
From the desk of Mr. WPress

Thank you for taking the time to look through my blog. Here I offer helpful tips and tricks, interesting articles, as well as updates to Mr. WPress products and services. Please be sure to pass on anything you find interesting to a friend or a colleague. Thank you again for reading and if you have any questions about any of the content you find in these posts, please feel free to send those to our support department at [email protected]

The Core HTML Elements Needed to Build Any Website

HTML is the language used to create the underlying structure of countless websites. Learn about the key elements of this toolset here!Read More…

Backend Website Optimization Techniques

A lot of website optimization happens on the frontend – compressing images and minifying files. But there are plenty of logistical elements to watch too.Read More…

Following Trademark Policy in Google Ads

Knowing the Google trademark policy is important for keeping your ads up and running. Be sure you don’t suffer disruptions to your marketing!Read More…