Free site review to monitor the health of your website

Free Site Review

What all is included in my free website review?

We will review your website and give you the results.  We go through your website with a fine tooth comb and find out where  your areas of improvement are.  Once we determine what your website could benefit from we put you together a complimentary quote to undertake the work.  The quote is no obligation to you and is for you to decide if you would like to proceed.  The following is a list of what we go over when performing our site review.

  • Key Words – We find out where you rank with the SERPs for a handful of key words.  In addition review your page content against those key words to find out if there can be improvements made.
  • Page Headings – We analyze the use of your page headings for your content and determine what improvements can be made.
  • Meta Tags – Run your pages through Google’s Structured Data Tool.  This helps give a preview of how Google sees your meta tags.  Doing this helps determine if they can be made stronger and more meaningful to the SERPs.
  • URL Structure – Your URL structure can affect your SEO rankings.  Having clean URLs that are SEO friendly will help give you a little extra boost.
  • Image ALT – All Image tags should have an ALT tag.  This is truly the only data about the image the search engine can obtain.  Without this tag and without it being relevant, the image is completely worthless to a search engine.
  • Page Speed – A website that loads slow could result in impatient users to go somewhere else.  With a large amount of people viewing websites from mobile these days it is increasingly important to build fast websites.  A mobile device has to make a lot of connections on the way to and from the server to process page requests.  For people on 3G, this is an even bigger concern.  So it is important to have a quick loading website that the user can interact with and have a natural feel.
  • Responsive Design – Check if your site is responsive or not.
  • Error Free – Code validates error free.
  • 404 Errors – Determine if and how many page not found errors are on your website.  Discuss the healthy one and the bad ones and how to manage them via 301 redirects and 404.php theme template.
  • Search Engine Ranking – Your ranking for certain key words that are most relevant to your site.  Outline initial strategy for growth.
  • Flash Use – Analyze the use of Flash on your site and determine if it should be and if it is warranted.  Flash is very poor for SEO and when it can be avoided it must be.
  • Outgoing Links – Overloading your website with too many outgoing links will reflect poorly on you to Google.  Making quality links when appropriate is the key and not “trying to hard”.
  • Calls To Action (CTA) – CTA’s lead to conversion rates which lead to more money.
  • Conversion Rates – Determine what percent of traffic is turning into clients.
  • Bounce Rate – Find out what percent of your traffic is leaving when landing on your site from a search engine.  Bounce rate is a person that leaves your site as soon as they get there.  They don’t go on to interact with any other page or component of your website.  Bounce rates can be due to many factors and all of those will be assessed and reflected in the report.
  • Google Page Rank – Take a range of values over three time periods to compare your home page average position on Google for your strongest key word.  Make suggestions for improvement.
  • Cross Browser Compatibility – Make sure users are getting the same experience on every browser on every platform (mobile, desktop and phone).
  • Back Links – Analyze the amount of quality links you have pointing to your site and make any suggestions for ways to generate more or decrease the non-quality ones.
  • Design Review – Assess if your design is aesthetically pleasing and user friendly.  Does your site content flow and are the sections laid out in a user friendly manner.  User usability and satisfaction is key to converting them to clients.

Clearly our site reviews are designed to help you understand what is unhealthy with your site and what could help to bolster it’s overall performance.  This information could be free to you as a second opinion or could lead to a long lasting partnership committed to excellence.  We are happy to help correct any negative findings our reports may yield and look forward to seeing your online presence prosper.