Online Marketing Avenues Through Mr. WPress
Online Marketing

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A condensed list of online marketing avenues

In the Mr. WPress blog, we’ve covered all of the different types of online marketing that we offer. But those posts delve into the workings of each type individually. If you’re just looking for a quick overview, that’s what we’re aiming to provide with this post. Find out which type of online marketing is best for your business with all of the information in one handy place! The three types we offer are: Email Marketing, Google AdWords, and Social Media.

The benefits of email marketing online marketing

Email marketing is all about getting information in front of your audience. Because of this, it requires actually having something of an audience for your business or website already established. This is a great way to ensure customers stay as long time customers, providing them with all kinds of benefits and specials. Subscriber-only sales, first look newsletters, and customized thank you notes are just a few of the powerful tools email marketing can provide. This has the potential to be the priciest option on the list, and also generally requires the most work, but you have to spend money to make money!

You can learn more about email marketing in our previous blog post on the subject.

The pros of Google AdWords online marketing

In short, Google AdWords sells exposure on their search engine. You bid for keywords like “hardware store” or “local hardware store,” for example, and Google will boost your content to the top of the results when users search those terms. How often and how high your site shows up depends on your set budget and the competition, of course, but this can be an effective way to drive sales to your website. You can also incorporate Google Analytics into your account, which allows you to connect tons of useful information from your site visitors.

The inner workings of Google AdWords are more complicated than the other two methods of online marketing, so be sure to read our in depth blog post that delves deeper into the platform.

The connections of social media online marketing

Social media marketing doesn’t require a lot of overhead. The accounts are free to set up, and many platforms have limitations on the amount of content you can post at once. This is the best way to connect directly with your audience, and get your name in front of new potential customers. You can also pay on several platforms to boost your content like in Google AdWords, sharing ads and info with targeted demographics.

There are two main keys to success here: quality over quantity, and knowing which platforms to use. The first varies on a case by case basis, but at Mr. WPress, we can help you figure it out. The second, we’ve covered in a previous blog post, so check it out if you want more details on the topic!